Thursday, January 19, 2012

Front Page News Story

Downfall of the Ming Dynasty

            Just days ago, while the economy was getting worse, Li Zicheng, the leader of the largest rebellion group in China was preparing to take down the Ming Dynasty. While the rebels were preparing for the big fight, the Manchurians were on their way to invade China because the Ming Empire was becoming weaker by the day.
           Yesterday, when the rebels attacked, the strongest Ming troops were sent along the Great Wall to fight a Manchurian tribe. The Manchurians offered to help take out the rebels, when the Manchurian forces took over Beijing and defeated Li Zicheng, they refused to leave and the Ming Empire had to relocate to the south.
          The Ming Dynasty began to fall when peasants began to rebel against the Ming government because the government failed to provide food to the people of China before the country underwent a famine. Not only did the famine effect China, but so did China's awful economy. The economy was so horrible that China was lacking paper money and had to switch to coins. The coins lost value. Provinces of China were even forced to create their own coins, some added lead to the coins, making the coins even less valuable. The Ming Emperor was digging a hole to deep for China to climb out of.
          We got the news just late last night that last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Sizong, had committed suicide. Sizong had hanged himself because he was so depressed about the downfall of his empire. More on the surprising death of Emperor Sizong tomorrow!

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